The Packaging Design

Packaging design is the connection of elements like structure, materials, forms, imagery, typography, color, and regulatory information with ancillary design to make a product available for marketing. The first thing which is to do is create a vehicle that will help to serve, protect, transport, dispense, identify, store and distinguish a product in the marketplace. There are thousands of products on the shelves of the supermarket. Mass merchandise, department stores, outlets, specialty stores, and the internet marketing site from where consumers get attracted towards any product through their packaging design. Your goal must be to create packaging like that that can match the consumer product’s personality and generate a sale. 

There are tens of thousands of products lining on shelves which attract customers only through the packaging design.  Before you start package designing you must know the answer to the following 3 questions
  • What is the Product? 
  • Who’s buying the product? 
  • How are people buying the product? 

1. What is the product? : This is not a tricky question, you must know what you are going to sell? Size of your product? How is your product made? Which is the material used to make it? Is it delicate? 

These questions make it easy for you to decide which product needs what type of packaging. 

2. Who is the Buyer?: You must know who your buyer is: a man, woman, or both? Is it for adult use or children? Is it made for environmentally conscious people? Is it for those who buy it on a budget or for disposable income?

A product packaging must appeal to its ideal customer so before starting designing you must know who is your customer. 

3. What is the source of buying the product?: You must know how your customers are buying your product is it through the online market or the offline market like supermarkets, or small boutiques 

Brand requirements: Sometimes what happens is the product stands alone, it has no brand in support, and many times some products represent an established brand. When the product is representing any brand then you have to gather the following information before beginning:-
  • Colors
  • Logo
  • Fonts

Content is written on the packaging: Depends on the product you need to left some space for some content it is for the legal purpose you may include things like:-

Imagery: If you want some photos of your product then you must have the photo ready before packaging. 

Required Marks: In some industries, some are important to put marks like barcode, association marks, nutrition information, etc. 

Know the temporary contents: There is some temporary information on some products like cosmetics, foods, medicines, etc. Additional information must be there on different batches of products. As information changes every day it’s possible you don’t want to print this on your product. For that, what you can do is leave a space for a sticker while packaging and after packaging, you put a sticker on a late date with that temporary information. 

Style likes and dislikes: It is a good idea to do some style research before starting packaging. What you can do is you can take a snap when you visit somewhere and take a snap of the design that you like or you can make a board on Pinterest and save pins from other users on that board. You don’t have to copy the exact design but you can take an idea and take some parts of a design which attracts you. You must keep in mind that you don’t have to make journeys right now but you have to start noticing the different options. 

Budget: the packaging designing budget is divided into two parts:-

Before starting designing you must know your budget because once time includes things like purchasing a stamp, paying for original design work, print plate setup you pay for before you change the design.  Next is pre item cost it mainly includes labor and material cost. Each box contains a certain cost, like tape for wrapping the box, labor fill the box or do it by yourself it’s up to you.  You better know cheaper things are not always better and paying high may give a rise in the selling of your product and show your product uniqueness in the competition.  After collecting information the next step you must need to is the 7 steps of the packaging process:

1. Understand the layer of packaging: The packaging of products is divided into 3 layers outer layer, inner layer, and product packaging. It may need 1 layer or all 3 layers. 

2. Outer packaging: outer outraging is the thing that creates an impression in buyer’s minds and that is the only thing to attract customers. This may include the box in which the product is shipped to the stores. 

3. Inner packaging: This is what keeps products safe from getting nestled safely in outer packaging or it may be a sealed bag that helps in preserving the freshness of a product. 

4. Product packaging: Product packaging is in which the main product comes with a tag on cloth, a label on a bottle, wrapper, etc. 

Choose the right type of packaging: There are different types of designs used in packaging designing these are given below:

  • Mono Cartons design
  • Corrugated Box design
  • Paper Bag design
  • Rigid box design
  • PP Box design 
  • PET design
  • Hang Tags design
  • Cascades design 
  • Bellybands design 
Before selecting the type of packaging you need to keep few things in mind:

i. Products: At first, you need to see what is your product in which form is it available liquid, solid, or gas for example perfumes. 

ii. Competition: You have to keep an eye on competitors, how they are selling their products, how they are packaging and you have to try something unique. You have to show your product unique in the market. 

iii. The budget: You may have a good idea for packaging but what if you are low on budget and your idea is more expensive than your budget then it is not working so make some plan just like that which will cover your budget problem. 

In package designing printer plays a vital role without printer packaging is impossible. For packaging you need to line up your Printer, it will help you to get specific information that can also help the designer to prepare a file. You need to ask a couple of things for this:
  • Color options
  • Dielines
  • Digital vs offset printing
Think of those questions about who is buying your product and from where he is buying your product, from that you are going to create the architecture of information. 

Evaluate a packaging design

  • Does packaging show an honest representation of the product? 
  • How will it look in a 3D model? 
  • How will it look in stores? 
  • Can you reuse the packaging design? 
  • Design must show versatility? 
  • Is it showing a clear image of your product? 

Collect feedback: Start asking questions from stakeholders and people who never heard about your product ask them questions like:

i. Who must be the buyer for your product?  ii. What message do you get from this packaging?  iii. What is the use of this product? 

Grab the right files from the designer

Color codes: if your printer supports custom color, then you must have color codes of CMYK or Pantone that everything goes as you want.  Packaging die lines in vector format: This will be Adobe Illustrator (.a.i.).,.eps file,. Pdf file. You will need to know one of three variations of your design.  ————————- Conclusion: We at Kondaiah’s Creative Print and Pack Pvt Ltd (CPP), offer complete budget-based and product-oriented packaging design guidance. Feel free to contact the brand expert. Just drop a mail to ” ” (or) make a call to +91 91333 95 810 [also connect via Telegram | Whatsapp | Line | Viber | imo | Signal ] -Bureau Chief: Kacharagadla | CPP Insights

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